Gorone Nap Futon | Hikizome Linen
The name Gorone is a combination of two Japanese words: goron (ごろ) and ne (寝). Goron means to flop down and to make yourself comfortable, while ne means to sleep. You can roll out this convenient nap futon anywhere and take a luxurious afternoon nap! Its small size allows it to be easily carried around while finding the perfect spot for you to relax anywhere.
The color on the front middle side of the Gorone is customizable, while the frame in the front and the entire backside is made from the cream color 009. Torinoko linen.
Product Details:
Consisting: Inner futon and cover
Sizes (approx.): 65×165cm (Regular) / 75×180cm (Large)
Fabrics: 100% Linen (Cover) / 100% Cotton (Inner Futon Liner)
Filling: 100% Cotton
Filling weight: 2.3kg(R) / 2.8kg(L)
*Pillow is sold separately.
About Hikizome:
Hikizome (lit. ‘pull dye’) is a traditional Japanese dye technique in which fabric is stretched tight, water is applied and then dye is applied by hand with a brush. Painting the dye into the wet fabric causes it to blur. This technique can also be known as bokashizame, (lit. ‘blur dye’). We have 2 colors for this Hikizome collection. Both names comes from famous sightseeing spots in Kyoto. These will be a great combination with Kyoto zabuton.